
Rockin' Robin

March 19, 2010

The temperature has slowly been creeping up and I have seen the first sign of spring – the red breasted robin. I can remember when I was younger, I saved a Christmas card that had a picture of a robin in the snow and it got me thinking. Today’s question is: Do robins migrate during the winter months?

Robins can survive winter temperatures however their diets consist mainly of worms, berries and nuts, which are not abundant when the ground is frozen. Therefore, the majority of robins migrate to the southern costal provinces of Canada and the south-central United States. They are known to go as far as Texas, Florida and Mexico.

Robins generally begin to fly north in March to begin breeding, yet have been known to linger in the United States if the food supply is plentiful. Robins tend to return to the same breeding location year after year. So, it looks like Frank and Franca in our yard this year are the same couple as the year before – they are like neighbours who take an extended winter holiday.

Hinterland Who’s Who
Journey North- Winter: Where are our Robins?

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