
Like a warm hug on a cold day

Welcome 2011!
The 365 random questions were meant to be completed in 2010, but life got in the way. The end of 2010 was spectacular and included a life changing adventure to Australia! I spent a number of months experiencing life, which forced me to neglect my writing, however, the Canadian winter - and a rather horrible flu - has driven me indoors and re-sparked the desire to learn about the things around me. I am feeling awful. I need a hug. Today's question is: what are some of the health benefits of hugging?

I find hugs to be one of the most comforting things in the world. I like them to be firm, arms to cradle me, with no back rub and I like them to be genuine - not out of obligation and not just for show - I mean, a real display of caring.

The reason hugs can calm and console is because hugs depress the sympathetic nervous system, slow the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and metabolic rates. When people engage in hugging, it releases oxytocin, the chemical responsible for calming, and decreases cortisol, the stress hormone. Oxytocin has been dubbed as the "cuddle hormone" which has also been linked to heart health - both in the medical sense and the romantic sense, as studies have shown the benefit of hugs, loving acts and empathetic behaviors among couples results in happier and longer lives.

Now I really need a hug.



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